Tips To Prevent Chemical Injuries on The Construction Sites in Albany


The main problem with most workers is they are unaware that they have been exposed to some hazardous chemicals at the construction site. They will realize this only when they develop a health problem as a result of high exposure to hazardous chemicals. As the construction site workers, work at different places once a project is completed, it is difficult to find where they were exposed to the chemicals and how they came into contact with those hazardous chemicals.

Exposure to chemicals at the construction site can result in several injuries. You could contact the Albany construction accident lawyers, if you want to proceed legally to claim compensation for your treatment and lost wages. Powers & Santola is a very famous and reputed law firm in Albany, where you can find the best construction site accident, lawyers. 

According to studies, thousands of people are falling sick every year in the US due to high exposure to hazardous chemicals at the workplace. People are experiencing different kinds of diseases and even facing death due to these hazardous chemicals. If you are working at the same construction site from the beginning, it means something went wrong there itself. This means you don’t have to waste your time finding out where the problem has started. 

What illnesses and injuries are caused by toxic chemicals?

  • Lead Poisoning: Poisoning with lead causes harm to the circulatory system, brain, muscles, kidneys, nervous system, and reproductive system.
  • COPD: COPD: COPD refers to a group of lung diseases that includes emphysema. Lung inflammation and pulmonary edema can result from toxic chemical exposure.
  • Mesothelioma: It is a type of cancer caused due to long-term exposure to asbestos.

Some of the other injuries that occur due to exposure to toxic substances are fertility defects, headaches, dizziness, nausea, brain damage, nerve damage, and eye irritation. 

How to prevent chemical injuries on the construction sites?

Workers must be educated on the long-term health effects of exposure to hazardous chemicals on construction sites. They should also be taught about the dangers of unsafe work practices. Teach them the importance of wearing protective items such as hand gloves, eye protection wear, air filtration, to protect themselves from being exposed to harmful chemicals. Employers should do regular inspection at the construction site, and do all the arrangements to help their workers stay safe. 

Hire a construction site accident lawyer immediately to claim the compensation for your treatment! 

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