What is the Importance of Night Guards?


Many people grind their teeth unknowingly until their dentist observes them or their partner hears them in their sleep. A Dentist in Akron, OH says that a night guard can be used to aid those who grind their teeth while sleeping. A night guard does not truly stop someone from grinding their teeth. Rather, it protects and cushions the teeth so that when you grind them, the harm is minimized. In this article, we will explore the importance of nightguards.

Signs You May Benefit from Night Guards

When teeth grinding becomes noticeable, a sleep guard should be used. Several symptoms indicate whether or not you should wear a night guard while sleeping. The greatest indicator that dentists look for when determining whether you are a candidate for a night guard is chronic jaw discomfort. People who grind their teeth may have jaw discomfort in the morning as a result of the biting power and pressure they apply. If you have this, along with sensitive or worn-down teeth, a night guard can assist.

Other less visible symptoms that a night guard is suitable for you include waking up with migraines or headaches. Putting pressure on your jaw can also cause headaches and pain, as previously stated. If you are constantly having this problem, you should see a dentist to get fitted for a mouth guard. Anxiety can also cause teeth grinding, so if you’re experiencing it, consult a dentist right away.

The Importance of Choosing the Correct Night Guard

  1. Prevent Plaque Formation- A sports mouth guard is more likely to be harmful than beneficial. It protects the teeth and gums from blunt force trauma by covering them. Because saliva cannot reach the gums when wearing a sports mouth guard, germs accumulate on the gums’ surface while sleeping. Saliva neutralizes the acids that cause cavities and removes food particles, preventing plaque development. When looking for a night guard, it is advisable to consult with an oral hygiene professional to avoid causing tooth damage.
  2. Prevent Changing Your Bite- A nightguard is generally custom-fitted to your teeth and bites to prevent the surfaces from grinding together. It also prevents changing your bite.

It is critical to recognize tooth grinding early on so that you may take preventive steps. If you suffer any symptoms, see your dentist and receive a tailored nightguard.

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