Common Dental Problems in Adults


We all desire healthy teeth and gums to have a great smile, fresh breath, and feel confident. However, did you know that almost half of the adults experience bad breath, also known as halitosis? It’s a common dental issue, but the good news is that it can be treated easily. Same way, there are many other common dental problems in adults that can be treated easily with Thornton adult dentist expertise. Let’s look at them…

Dry Mouth: Dry mouth, also known as Xerostomia, is a common mouth issue caused by not having enough saliva. This can occur for different reasons, especially due to some medications. The problem with Xerostomia is that it takes away the important moisture and cleaning of your teeth and gums. However, a dentist can help you fix signs of decay caused by less saliva. Apart from regular dental visits, drinking enough water will help prevent dry mouth problems.

Toothache & Jaw Pain: Another problem with adult teeth is toothache, which basically means having pain in and around your teeth and jaws. If you don’t take care of it, it can lead to things like holes in your teeth and tooth decay (which also hurts a lot). Toothache can happen because of gums pulling back, a cracked tooth, fillings that are loose or broken, or a pocket of pus at the end of a tooth that’s usually from an infection. 

When you have a toothache, it’s really important to find out what’s causing it and get it treated. Because toothache can mess up your daily routine, like eating, sleeping, and might even make you avoid certain foods and situations.

Bruxism: Teeth grinding, known as bruxism, is a common issue that adults might experience. This can become more obvious as people get older. Many grind their teeth while sleeping because of things like family traits, stress, or habits like smoking, alcohol, or caffeine before bedtime.

Teeth grinding can lead to headaches, sensitive teeth, aching teeth and jaw, and even ear pain. In the long run, it can cause tooth issues like cavities, cracked enamel, broken fillings, and harm to dental work. Treatment for bruxism usually means fixing dental problems if needed and using a special mouth guard. This guard can help reduce the pain from teeth grinding and make a lot of the symptoms feel better.

Crooked or Misaligned Teeth: Gaps between teeth, crooked or overcrowded teeth, and bites that aren’t aligned can cause many dental problems. These include trouble eating, jaw pain, and feeling bad about how your smile looks. But things have changed now. Adults can get orthodontic treatments just like younger people. 

Options for fixing these issues include regular metal braces, invisible braces, clear aligners, tooth molds, and porcelain veneers. Veneers can be put on to straighten teeth or fix discolored spots, especially on the front teeth.

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