What To Do When Your Employer Ignores Your Sexual Harassment Complaint?


When you work a job, you trust your employer to fix issues you may face in the workplace. You believe that your employer would listen to your complaint and take action accordingly. However, it is unfortunate that many employers are the exact opposite of this, and they can leave you feeling helpless. 

Sexual harassment is a serious crime and can disrupt a person’s personal and professional life. When you experience it in the workplace, you must let your employer know about it. If they fail to take further action, you may have to take legal action by filing a lawsuit with the help of a sexual harassment attorney Austin

What to do when your employer ignores your sexual harassment complaint?

If you have informed your employer of the unlawful activity in the workplace and the sexual harassment you have been facing, you have done your job of being a responsible employee. It is the employer’s duty to take the next step and make sure they fix the situation. However, if they do not take appropriate actions or simply ignore your words, you have reason to take up the issue with the EEOC. 

What is the EEOC?

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is a government agency that seeks to protect the rights of employees. The government body is responsible for receiving and addressing sexual harassment and discrimination allegations in the workplace. 

Here are the steps to file a complaint with the EEOC. 

Step 1: File a Charge of Harassment. You can file this complaint in person by going down to their office after making an appointment, or you can fill out an online form on the EEOC’s online portal. Make sure you include as much information as you can. 

Step 2: You will sit for an interview. An EEOC worker should interview you regarding the sexual harassment you face. During the interview, you may be asked various details, such as date, time, place, witnesses, etc. They will determine whether you have a case for filing a charge of harassment. 

Step 3: Once it is established that you have a case of sexual harassment, the EEOC may suggest you sit through a mediation process with your employer and arrive at a settlement. They may also help you negotiate through your differences. 

If the mediation does not prove any good either, you can request a Notice of Right to Sue from the EEOC, documentation that allows you to take your case to the next step. 

The EEOC has solved various work-related issues. However, their methods of solving the problem may not always be effective. If you wish to opt for a different course of action, you can discuss your case with an employment attorney to know other options. 

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