Understanding How Orthodontist can Help You Keep Good Oral Health


The dental field is vast and has several specialists working for the betterment of people. An orthodontist is one of the skilled professionals who are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of dental irregularities. They offer a wide range of dental services such as aligning the teeth, replacement of chipped, broken teeth and several others. If you want to improve your oral health, you should get in touch with Los Gatos orthodontics. He can thoroughly check your teeth and offers the best treatment options.

Who is an orthodontist?

After the five-year degree in dentistry, the professional undergoes intensive training in the field of orthodontics. These professionals have in-depth knowledge about dental issues such as broken teeth. They can repair them by using advanced techniques such as teeth envisaging, braces and dental implants. They can give the best outcome if you contact them to correct your denture.

The other medical issues in which they can offer their best treatment are pain due to misaligned bites, bad movements of teeth because of thumb sucking. If the teeth have been misaligned due to an accident, these professionals can make a great difference in your condition.

An Orthodontist or a dentist?

You might get confused about whom you should contact. It is important to understand the difference between the two. An orthodontist is someone who specializes in correcting the teeth in case they are misaligned, broken or chipped. On the other hand, a dentist is someone who can offer general dental services for the treatment of various dental problems such as gum diseases, pain in tooth and tooth extraction. However, both of them can work together to improve overall dental health.

A dentist completes a general degree in dentistry whereas an orthodontist specializes in this field. A dentist can also offer dental services such as teeth whitening, crowns and porcelain veneers. They are not specialized to offer orthodontic treatment such as fitting braces. In such cases, you should get in touch with an orthodontist.

About oral health

Most of us ignore our oral health because we don’t like to visit a doctor. However, the experts suggest that we all must keep seeing a dentist after every six months to one year. If there is an issue with the tooth or gums, he can inform us well on time and start the treatment. Moreover, it is also a good idea to keep a family dentist who can also check the dental health of all family members.

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