Some Effective Ways to Avoid Varicose Veins from Getting Worse


Varicose veins may happen in anyone with a poor lifestyle, age and medical conditions such as pregnancy, hormonal imbalances and obesity. Regardless of the medical problem, if you are experiencing pain and discomfort due to these veins, you should immediately contact a specialist so that you can get vein treatment in NewberryThere may be no way to get these veins on your legs, feet and ankles but you can follow some effective ways from getting them worse as mentioned below:

Avoid sitting or standing for long hours

Depending on our professional commitments, you may have to sit or stand for long hours. It puts additional pressure on the veins of the lower legs and feet. Due to this, you may have varicose veins. To prevent them from getting worse, it is strongly recommended to take short breaks in between and walk for a few minutes rather than being in one position for a long time.

Compression socks 

Many people are unaware of the benefits of compression socks. The stockings and socks keep the valves in the right position. This way, the functions of veins become a bit proper reducing the pain, swelling and discomfort in the legs. You can easily find the right kind of hosiery options when it comes to socks and stockings. It is suggested to get in touch with your doctor to get the right guidance.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Eating oily foods, caffeinated drinks, smoking and alcohol make it hard to give good health. One of the reasons for varicose veins is the poor lifestyle. If you don’t follow a proper diet plan and exercise regime, you may start to gain weight, which is the major reason for varicose veins. That’s why, it is strongly recommended to eat foods, which are low in calories and drink fresh juices and vegetable soups.

Stay active and exercise

Without performing exercises on a regular basis, it is not possible for anyone to stay healthy. You should make them a part of your life. It is always a good idea to involve yourself in swimming, cycling, running and jogging. A morning walk for about 30 minutes can make your blood flow properly. Moreover, you should take stairs rather than lifts. This way, you can stay active and fit for many years.

By keeping the above-mentioned key points in mind, you will be able to make a great difference in your health and reduce the effects of varicose veins. 

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