How Dangerous Is Ignoring A Chipped Tooth?


When one tooth chips, it is often thought that “if it does not hurt, it is not serious enough to go to the dentist.” This is not only a huge misconception but can actually cause serious dental health issues. Even though a chipped tooth may not hurt all the time, it might still be damaging your teeth without you even knowing it. 

Without causing bleeding or pain, a chipped tooth can cause infection if you do not get it treated at a dental practice in Indianapolis. It can also ruin the aesthetics of your smile. The chipping of a tooth exposes the soft inner layer to oral bacteria. They eat away at your tooth’s structure and form cavities. Read along to find out about the dangers of ignoring a chipped tooth. 

What are the consequences of not fixing chipped teeth?

If a chipped tooth is left untreated, it can cause the following problems:

  • Cuts in the mouth: The sharp edges of a chipped tooth can cut your tongue or cheeks, causing them to bleed. It will leave painful wounds that will make eating and talking uncomfortable.
  • Tooth sensitivity: A chipped tooth can result in tooth decay and will end up causing tooth sensitivity. When the outermost layer of e your enamel is missing, it will expose the inner tooth nerves to hot, cold, and acidic substances and increase sensitivity.
  • Broken tooth: If a chipped tooth is left untreated, the fracture can weaken it and cause it to break. Your chipped teeth will be at a greater risk of getting broken while you chew or eat hard food substances. You will need extra care and treatment to restore the broken tooth than just simply fixing the chipped one. 
  • Infection: If the chip is too deep, it can increase the risk of bacterial infection. The bacteria easily enters the tooth layers and causes infection in the pulp and roots, eventually resulting in toothaches.

Is it necessary to repair a chipped tooth?

Yes. You should visit your dentist as soon as possible to get the chipped tooth fixed. It might seem like a minor issue. However, it is at a higher risk of getting further chipped or broken. Chipped teeth may cause tooth loss since bacteria can easily infect the exposed damaged area of the tooth. 

If the chip is very big and reaches the interior of the tooth, damaging the pulp, blood vessels, and tooth nerves. Therefore, it is crucial to get your chipped tooth fixed before the condition worsens. 

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