All you need to know about corporate surveys 


Until a few years ago, corporate surveys were conducted only occasionally. They were treated as a formality. Over time, online surveys in companies have become more popular and widespread. Why do we need it, and how to make a survey successful?

What are corporate surveys for?

Corporate issues are held for different purposes. Most often, it is used to assess employees’ level of satisfaction with the conditions in the company or to get their opinion on a particular issue. Surveys significantly help evaluate innovations that affect each employee’s life and work. Surveys, if compiled correctly and many employees participate, help to get a complete picture of their attitude to a particular issue posed for research.

In addition to satisfaction with working conditions, surveys provide an opportunity to find out the following:

  • the attitude of employees to innovations,
  • the level of staff confidence in management,
  • degree of awareness of ordinary employees and management about internal corporate events,
  • the level of involvement of employees in decision-making, 
  • the level of employee loyalty.

If you need to create surveys for free you can use modern survey creators like Simpoll, Survio, Online Test Pad, Typeform, SurveyMonkey, etc. 

Basic recommendations for successful online surveys

Too general questions do not allow you to get a complete picture of what is happening in the company on the topic, draw the correct conclusions, and make the right decision. The survey’s type and depth of detail again depend on the task. For example, the survey may be concise in some cases and contain elementary questions and a rating scale. It would be good to compose questions in such a way as to understand the quality of the work of each of the departments.

So, companies that are distinguished by openness, a friendly atmosphere in the team, and a democratic approach regularly conduct surveys to hear the opinion of each employee.

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